Wednesday, April 9, 2008

planes that never get off the ground

Thanks to Allison Krauss for the title of today's post. Yes, it seems this week we've had some planes and plans that just don't get off the ground. Adoption continues to be painstakingly slow. Confusing and difficult. But today I'm at the computer because Hubby is not working from home today and trying to get some plans together for a trip to Denver- some work, some fun, some family, some free house remodeling. Ah, but it's been a journey trying to get many schedules to coordinate at just. the. right. time. Very tricky when dealing with transportation and soccer games. I just hope that our plane does get off the ground. Looking forward to some sunshine. And to see some faces that brighten my spirit.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about your delay and hope there will be an update soon. Meanwhile, welcome to RevGalBlogPals, where I hope you will find a supportive community.

Diane M. Roth said...

yes, prayers for you in this process.

jadedjabber said...

Welcome to RevGalBlogPals

Sally said...

welcome to revgals, looking forward to getting to know you better, prayers for progress on the adoption front

Ivy said...

Welcome to RevGalBlogPals. Where are you a pastor and what flavor? Blessings.

Jennifer said...

Prayers for you and your family....
Welcome to Revgals!

Tripp Hudgins said...

Welcome to RevGalBlogPals! I'm looking forward to checking in from time to time.

Mary Beth said...

Have a good trip and good luck to you! Welcome!

mid-life rookie said...

Left a comment on your other blog. Welcome to RGBP.